When should I schedule my senior pictures?
Now is the time to get on the schedule of your favorite photographer, if you aren't already. Most of us are booked through weekends right now and only have a select number of days available in our calendars. No time to bury your head in the sand!! Get on the portrait bandwagon.
First, find a photographer who's style you love. Do you want your child to have gorgeous indoor sport shots? Those take a very special niche and there are photographers excellent at that. (Ummm not me! I have no studio!) Does your senior love to hunt or hang tobacco? Does he love to golf, play baseball or canoe? Those are all things that can be showcased. Does she love to read or ride horses? Does she do ballet? Does she just like some sleek lines or country sunsets?
Your child can showcase their favorite activity or just want to feel glamorous for a little while. So let's talk about those favorite parts of him that he wants to share in his senior photos.
How long do they take and when should we schedule them? We schedule them now. Even if it's for spring, we schedule now. Why? If she wants hair and makeup done she needs to know in advance. Our schedules will all fill up and the senior year flies by!! Here at MCP we take as long as we need to capture the best in your child. I always tell parents to plan for an hour and a half. Most of the time the senior will want multiple locations and clothing changes. That all takes time!
tn photographer,
tn senior photographer,
clarksville academy senior,
clarksville christian senior,
clarksville high senior,
clarksville senior,
class of 2019,
montgomery central high school,
nashville senior,
rossview high senior,
senior photography,
senior session,
tn child photographer,
tn family photographer,
tn photographer
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